Blank Templates
Party Hat - MS Word
Party Invite - MS Word
Party Envelope - MS Word
Party Placecards - MS Word
Goodie Bag - MS Word
Bible Party Ideas
Nature Hike Party - Autumn
- Purpose: To enjoy God's creation.
- Activity: Go on a nature walk and collect flowers, twigs, leaves, pebbles, etc.
- Craft: Provide zip-lock bags for each child. Punch a hole in each bag and tie them together with yarn to make a class nature book.
- Snack: Trail mix
- Devotion: Review the Creation.
Noah's Ark Party - Autumn
- Purpose: An alternative to Halloween
- Activity: Have each child bring in their favorite stuffed animal. Have parents donate any wagons that they have at home for the party. Decorate wagons with crepe paper streamers. Have a parade with the stuffed animals.
- Game: Play a CD with animal sounds and let the children tell you what kind of animal it is.
- Snack: Animal crackers and milk.
- Devotion: Talk about Noah building the ark and how Noah loved and obeyed God.
Christmas Party - Winter
- Purpose: Learn the Christmas story
- Activity: Make play dough cakes and decorate them with plastic candles to celebrate Jesus' birthday.
- Game: Hide nativity figures around the room. Let the children find them and bring them to the stable.
- Snack: Decorated cupcakes, and sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.
- Devotion: Tell the children the Christmas story.
Valentine's Day Party - Winter
- Purpose: Show love to family and friends
- Teacher Prep: Make cookies ahead of time. Provide children with icing, plastic knives, sprinkles, and zip-lock sandwich bags.
- Activity: Bake and decorate cookies to give to others.
- Snacks: Decorated cookies and milk
- Devotion: Discuss how Jesus fed 5,000 people because He loved them very much.
Kite Party - Spring
- Purpose: To have fun and enjoy being outdoors.
- Activity: Flying kites. Have parents bring kites that either store bought or homemade for the big event.
- Snack: Rice cereal treats and fruit punch.
- Devotion: Talk about how Jesus calmed a storm (windy).
Easter Party - Spring
- Purpose: Celebrating Jesus' resurrection.
- Craft: Make musical instruments. String jingle bells of pipe cleaners, put beans in paper towel tubes and cover the ends, plus any other great ideas you have.
- Activity: Play instruments and sing Christmas songs that praise Jesus.
- Snack: Fruit and crackers with juice.
- Devotion: Discuss the triumphal entry of Jesus.
Mother's Day Party - Spring
- Purpose: Show love to mothers
- Teacher Prep: Provide cups, dirt, and small flowering plants. Also provide stickers, small pictures of the children, Popsicle sticks, and glue.
- Activity: Let children decorate their cups with stickers and plant flowers in them. Glue a picture of each child on a Popsicle stick and push into the dirt beside the plant.
- Snack: Cupcakes brightly decorated and juice.
- Devotion: Let the children tell you why their love their mothers.
Father's Day Party - Summer
- Purpose: Show love to fathers
- Teacher Prep: Cut out tie shapes with knots from construction paper. Punch holes on each side of the knots and string yarn through so dads can wear their ties.
- Activity: Let children decorate the ties that they are going to give their dads with crayons and/or stickers.
- Snack: Cookies and water
- Devotion: Talk about how much Joseph loved Jesus and took care of him as he grew.
Ice Cream Party - Summer
- Purpose: A time for parents, teachers, and children to have fun.
- Activity: Make sundaes.
- Craft: Make ice cream cones by cutting out circles from a variety of colored paper and long triangles from light brown paper for the cones. Let children glue the ice cream circles on top of the cones and decorate with glitter.
- Snack: Ice cream, toppings, plastic bowls and spoons, paper towels
- Devotion: God gives us food, and boy is it yummy!
Puppet Ministry